Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kim Kardashian thinks breastfeeding is a "natural beautiful thing" but wants you to cover up

Dear Kim, poor little Kim, Why did you Tweet that?

And you keep making it worse by shoving the foot in your mouth further and further down...

This morning I awoke to a tweet that said

 "EWW Im at lunch,the woman at the table next 2 me is breast feeding her baby w no coverup then puts baby on the table and changes her diaper"

Yes Kim, changing a baby at the table IS unsanitary, but what is this, wait, Kim Kardashian, a young woman with a sex tape and a very nude, breast exposing photoshoot in Playboy is telling women that nursing without a cover is wrong?!

Wait. It gets better.

She then tries to somehow mitigate the situation, not really, by tweeting this;

"My sister breast feeds! Its a natural beautiful thing, there's nothing wrong w it, but she covers herself, not w her boobs exposed"

Oh Kim, by the first tweet you should have stopped. Now you have about, mmm, let's say, a billion tweets by  outraged lactvists with your name or a hashtag resembling #KimKisagainstbfing.

I find it absolutely comical that a woman with a show such as hers, that promotes the showing of breasts (and more) finds it offensive when a mother breastfeeds without a cover... but then again, oh right, these two things I have sitting in my bra aren't meant to be seen with a child attached to them. Silly me. Moving on.

Kim, Kimberly, I think it's time you wake up and smell the coffee. If prancing around exposing your breasts and cleavage to the whole world is acceptable to you, but nursing without a cover isn't, you gotta get your priorities in order.

I hope she apologizes, if not, well, for that one second that I read her tweet and found it ridiculous, I wasted my time.