
About Aruban Breastfeeding Mamas

Wendy Maduro is a mother of one vivacious and funny daughter - Dahlia - and a passionate activist. She launched 'Aruban Breastfeeding Mamas' in September of 2009, as a way of getting Aruban breastfeeding news out there for our locals and also for the many mothers who visit Aruba on vacation. What started out as a small blog, has now become an international site where visitors from all over the globe go to when they need info on anything to do with this small island and breastfeeding, babywearing, childbirth and, parenting.
She enjoys writing about opinions and mentalities regarding parenting and breastfeeding, and occasionally throws in a joke or two.

Wendy is a Certified Childbirth Educator and Lactation Consultant in training and spear-heads Aruba's only non-profit Breastfeeding Organization - Fundacion Pro Lechi Mama Aruba - as President. She also is part of the Government Officiated "Platform Borstvoeding" representing Pro Lechi Mama that functions as the highest authority on Aruba with regards to breastfeeding, having representatives from all corners of the Maternal-Child health care field. She is also the business owner of CariBirth Pre- and Postnatal Services, a small company dedicated to breastfeeding classes and support, prenatal bellydancing and is also a pioneer in babywearing services such as classes, sling rentals and sling manufacturing. CariBirth has its own official line of carriers, namely, Bella Sophia Carriers.

Wendy also finds time to squeeze in being the regional chapter leader for Human Milk for Human Babies - Aruba. If it has to do with breasts, breast milk or babies, expect to find Wendy somewhere in the mix